Friday, June 14, 2013

In The Garden & Slug Beer Trap Success!

square foot garden, pepper plant

So far, so good with this year's Spring/Summer garden!  I'm always cautiously optimistic when it comes to gardening.  I've yet to figure out how to produce large bounties of home grown vegetables in my backyard.  The perfectionist in me however, won't stop trying!  I still have more herbs to plant (got a late start this year).  But, the vegetables are all in place.  Yellow and Patty Pan squash; Roma, Grape and Big Boy tomatoes; Zucchini and Red, Green & Yellow Bell peppers and Jalapeno peppers.

square foot garden, pepper plant, bell pepper

This has been my best year with the peppers.  Typically, I plant them alongside the tomatoes.  This year, the tomato and squash plants went in first.  So, the peppers were moved to my second garden square.  The pepper plants seem to be doing much better in other square.  They're growing bigger and haven't suffered from slug damage.  One of the pepper plants even produced a teeny, tiny pepper.  Fingers crossed for regular sized peppers later!

square foot garden, zucchini plant

The squash and zucchini are blooming, and their leaves are getting bigger.  They've expanded even more since the above picture was taken!

square foot garden, tomato plant, tomatoes

Starting to see some tomatoes!

square foot garden, slugs, beer trap

 Fearing the slugs were going after the zucchini plants, I put out a slug beer trap.  To my surprise, it worked!  I did feel a bit guilty the next day seeing them in the dish - Bless their little sluggy hearts!  But even more so grossed out by the sight of them - Ewww!  Thank goodness for my husband being willing to handle disposal.  Definitely a man job! :)

Mary Ellen      


  1. Hi Mary Ellen - so thankful for your post! We have spent hours building 2 square foot gardens - and were excited about starting to grow our own veggies. Only to go out this morning and find my Italian parsley plant had been completed devoured overnight - by SLUGS... So I am going to follow your lead and put out several slug beer traps. Wish me luck!

  2. I will be putting beer slug traps out tomorrow as well!
