Thursday, July 29, 2010

Teaching Little Hands

My Mom giving Ashleigh knitting instruction

Our home has three generations under one roof.  It can be interesting at times.  Raising young kids while  moving into a support role for an aging parent.  But the blessings of having a multi-generational home have greatly outweighed any of the bumps in the road.   


  1. I have a couple sets of those knitting looms - they are great! And a good project for the kids, too. My grandparents used to come and stay with us and some of the things my grandmother taught me - like how to wring out a dishrag or write thank you notes - are still with me to this day. It'll probably be that way for your children, too. :)

  2. That's a great memory for your daughter to always be able to say her grandmother taught her to knit. I'd love to be able to knit too.

  3. that is great!! I wish someone would teach me and my girls. We can crochet ( not very well) but I would love to learn to knit.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. That is so sweet....I remember when My grandmother taught me how to knit.

  5. Been there. My parents lived with us when our kids were very little. They eventually had to move on to a seniors home and Mom passed this year, but the kids remember. They remember, or love to hear the stories of Grandma and Grandpa living with us. Enjoy your time!
