Friday, September 2, 2011

Do You Know What Today Is? It's Our Anniversary!

11 years ago today :)


  1. Congratulations. Refreshing to find your blog. I have gone back to work part-time -- my children are grown and I live in a rural area with no friends to speak of since everybody else is related and I have no family around. Need money for college tuition for my son. I also hate the condemning mommy-wars. I am almost 60 and tired of legalistic 23-year-olds telling me I cannot go back to work now that my family is grown and there is nothing to do (everybody here is very elderly and nobody to "mentor" either, no volunteer work around, nothing,and I'm getting mega-depressed). I like my part-time post office job. I'm signing up to follow.

  2. Thank you RetroRocketGal!

    Mary Ellen

  3. Congrats from me, too. Hope you had a wonderful day!!

  4. Congrats! This is my 11th year of marriage as well, and I know how much love, work, and determination it takes to last this long. Well, that and finding the perfect partner.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  5. Although I was a stay-at-home wife and mother throughout most of my married life, I never did like the term "full-time mom," as it implied that the mother was not a mother when she was at work, which is silly. You don't stop being a mom during the hours you are out of the home at work, any more than you would if you were doing volunteer work or at a Christian women's conference. And, yes, when I have worked, I have still kept house and made food from scratch and sewed. You don't stop doing those things unless you have a maid. Thanks!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!!!! I hope that it was a great weekend.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love your posts at BBW, so I thought I'd come visit your blog. I'm so glad I did!

    While I don't have children yet (but soon, I hope), my husband and I are trying to cut out debt and live more simply so we can afford a fulfilling -- yet much less costly -- lifestyle for ourselves and our future children. Oh, and buy a home too.

    I'll keep coming back for the great tips! God bless you and your husband on your anniversary!

  8. Thank you all for the anniversary wishes!

    Mary Ellen
